Ch.1 Mesopotamia | Ch.2 Ancient Egypt | Ch. 3 Ancient Greece | Ch.4 Ancient Rome |
What is the wheel
made of clay
What is paper
main from the papyrus plant
What is theater
A building with rows and seats where people can watch
What is Aqueducts
early type of plumbing system
What is created to make pottery bowls and put on carts to help carry food to sell and soldiers in war
Importance to ancient communities
What is created to write on that was easier than stone
Importance to ancient communities
What is created for large groups of people to watch stories acted out
Importance to ancient communities
What is created to move water from the lake to the village homes
Importance to ancient communities
What is archeologist
person who looks for tools and items used in ancient communities; Dr. Jones
What is a pen
made from plant stems and dipped in ink to write on paper
What is the stage
a raised platform, built at the bottom of the hill
What is pipes
brings water to our homes
What is Natural History Museum
the building where Mrs. B's class is visiting to learn about ancient communities and their cultures
What is papyrus/scrolls
synonym (another word) for paper
What is sad
Synonym (another word) for tragedy
What is fluid or clear liquid
Synonym (another word) for water
What is used to carry people/things in cars, wheelchairs and bikes
Importance to today's communities
What is used for writing, books and newspapers
Importance to today's communities
What is used for large groups of people to see concerts and movies
Importance to today's communities
What is keeping us clean and healthy
Importance plumbing is in today's communities