les Saisons | Weather | Clothing | Fashion | Er verbs/likes/dislikes |
What is L’été ?
What is il pleut ?
it's raining
What is un jean?
Calvin Klein Jeans are a type of ...
What is une collection?
A collection of clothing
What is j'aime?
I like
What is le printemps?
season following winter and preceding summer
What is il fait beau?
It's nice outside
What is des baskets?
use these on your feet in gym
What is un defile?
VS is a type of a this show
What is il n'aime pas le chapeau.
He dislikes the hat.
What is l'automne?
Season we are currently in
What is il fait chaud?
Happens mostly in the summer time
What is une robe ou une jupe?
Girls Like to wear this in the summer.
What is un mannequin?
Tyra Banks and Kendall Jenner are known for this.
What is nous portons des t-shirts?
We wear t-shirts.
What is le printemps ou l'hiver?
A season where schools are closed for a religious holiday break.
What is il fait froid?
if we don't wear a coat, we can get sick because of the weather outside.
What is une cravate?
Men will wear this accessory with a chemise to a wedding?
What is le prêt-à-porter vs la haute couture?
Ready to wear vs. high fashion
What is c’est démodé !
Use this statement to describe something is not in style
What is l'hiver?
We wear heavy coats, scarfs and gloves during this season
What is il neige?
On Christmas we hope to go outside and see this type of weather. ..
What is un impermeable?
Type of coat you use when it's raining.
What is un couturier?
Coco Chanel is known to be one of the most famous fashion designers.
What is c'est moche ou c'est laid?
Two statements to describe something is ugly