Theories Research Issues History Terms
Who is Erik Erikson?
This person's theory has 8 stages; identity vs. role confusion is one during emerging adulthood
What is APA format?
When citing a source you have researched, this is the proper format in social sciences
What is pre-industrial?
In this stage in history, children were infants until age 7 when they took on work, often being sent away to work for other families
What is emerging adulthood?
This is the transition between adolescence and adulthood
What is Leonard Pearlin's Theory of psychological distress?
This theory explains that you progress through life not in stages, but by dealing with stresses
What is an in-text citation?
Distress is a stimulus that requires a psychological response (Pearlin, 2001).
is an example of this done properly.
What is industrialization?
This stage in history, youth were able to earn an income without leaving home, and could then afford to marry and leave home earlier
What is semi-autonomous?
When individuals are trying to achieve independence and explore their identities, but still rely on their parents for support
What is Jane Loevinger's theory of ego development?
This theory is about achieving an autonomous self, by going through the conformist, self-aware, and conscientious stages during emerging adulthood
What is a closed ended question?
This type of question is not simple, but allows for only a one-word answer
What is being self-reliant?
This is the key expectation of becoming an adult
What is socialization?
A process where people learn appropriate social role behaviours in order to participate in society
What is the Family Life Cycle?
This theory explains emerging adulthood as forming an identity separate from your family, making a commitment to a career and developing intimate relationships with peers
What is an open ended question?
This type of question allows for detailed answers
What is earlier puberty?
This happened as a result of better nutrition and health and changed the reason for adolescents leaving home
What is credentialism?
Youth require more education to qualify for some jobs than was required in the past for the same jobs.
What is Klaus Riegel's Dimensions of Development?
This theory explains the interaction of the psychological, biological, cultural-sociological and environmental diensions
What is an interview?
This method of finding information is better for answering questions about behaviour, such as why and how
What is the Baby boomers?
This group occupies 1/3 of Canadian population
What is cohort?
A group of people in society based on age and corresponding fertility patterns

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