Short Answers! Answer & Explain Definitions Miscellaneous
How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have?
The New Case Test—how would this work in another situation such as…

The Role Exchange Test—How would you feel if you…

The Universal Consequences Test—What if everyone…
Name and explain the three moral tests that we looked at.
The study of how heredity works and, in particular, of genes.
Define "genetics" !
A baby that is born three or more weeks before the usual 38 weeks
What is "preterm birth" ?
fetal alcohol syndrome
What does FAS stand for?
Both genes and environment are necessary for a person to exist – without genes, there is no person; without environment, there is no person.
• Heredity and environment operate together, or cooperate, to produce a person’s intelligence, temperament, height, weight, abilities, and so on.
• Environmental influences range from the things we lump together under "nurture" (such as parenting, family dynamics, schooling, and neighbourhood quality) to biological encounters (such as viruses, birth complications, and even biological events in cells).
Do genes and environment function completely separate from one another when it comes to prenatal development? Explain.
The process of transmitting biological traits from parent to offspring through genes, the basic units of heredity. Heredity also refers to the inherited characteristics of an individual including traits such as height, eye colour, and blood type.
What is "heredity" ?
neonatal abstinence syndrome
Drug withdrawal experienced by a newborn is called...
endoderm, mesoderm, & ectoderm
What are the three layers of the embryo?
Hindbrain - located at the lowest portion of the
brain; controls motor development
Midbrain - located between the hind and
forebrain; relaying information to eyes
and ears.
Forebrain - large part of the brain; plays
the most critical role in thinking and language.
Name the three divisions of the brain and what each is responsible for.
The twenty-third pair of chromosomes are called the sex chromosomes and are the primary factor in determining the biological sex of a child. The sex chromosomes are known as the X and Y chromosomes.
What are the "sex chromosomes" ?
The flow of hormones themselves can be affected by environmental events, such as light, day length, nutrition and behaviour.
What are some of the environmental events that can affect the flow of hormones?
Extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, openness
What are the ‘big five’ dimensions of temperaments?
1) The germinal period is the first 2 weeks of development (rapid cell division, zygote implanted into uterine wall)
2) The embryonic period is the period of prenatal development that occurs from two to eight weeks after conception.
3)The fetal period is the period of development that begins two months after conception and lasts for seven months.
What are the 3 periods of physical development? When do they occur?
Twenty-two of the pairs of chromosomes are the same in both men and women and these are known as autosomes.
What are "autosomes" ?
Do people want to know about their genetic defects even though these defects cannot be corrected?

Do parents want to bring to term a child that will have a severe disorder?

Worries abound that the information housed in people’s genes will be used to their detriment.
Name some of the ethical and moral issues surrounding genetic engineering.
• a high dose of psychoactive drugs
• extreme stress
• chronic exhaustion
• detached placenta
• a uterus that cannot accommodate
further fetal growth
• unusually short cervix
• infection
What are some conditions that may cause a baby to be born prematurely?
Amniocentesis—a prenatal medical procedure performed between the 12th and 16th weeks of pregnancy in which a sample of amniotic fluid is withdrawn by syringe. It tests to discover if the fetus is suffering from any chromosomal or metabolic disorders.

Ultrasound sonography—a prenatal medical procedure in which high frequency sound waves are directed into the pregnant woman’s abdomen. The echo from the sounds is transformed into a visual representation of the fetus’s inner structures.

chorionic villus test is a prenatal medical procedure in which a small sample of the placenta is removed at some point between the 8th and the 11th week of pregnancy.

maternal blood test (alpha-fetaprotein test) is a prenatal diagnostic technique that is used to assess neural tube defects. This test is administered to women 14 to 20 weeks into pregnancy only when they are at risk for bearing a child with defects in the formation of the brain and spinal cord
Name and explain the four tests that we looked at that are used to test for genetic disorders.
The alteration of an organism's genetic instructions through the insertion of additional genes.
What is genetic "engineering" ?
1)Brain development in the prenatal stage
2)cell migration
3)cell elaboration
5)The nervous system starts to form as a hollow tube on the embryo back. The brain forms into a large mass of neurons and loses the tubular appearance.
What are the five steps in the development of the nervous system and brain?

Unit 2: Prenatal Development

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