Biological Hierarchy | Biotic or Abiotic | Terrestrial Biomes 101 | Interspecific Interactions | Go with the Energy Flow |
What is an organism?
One particular individual in a defined area
What is abiotic?
A rock
What is the tundra?
Found at polar latitudes, this biome is characterized by low rainfall and long, cold winters.
What are interspecific interactions?
Interactions between species within the ecosystem
What are decomposers?
Organisms that break down dead or decaying organisms.
What is the biosphere?
All biomes together
What is biotic?
A sea turtle
What is the desert?
In this biome, organisms are adapted to retain water for long periods of time and withstand high temperatures and sunlight.
What is mutualism?
An interaction where both species benefit.
What is a food chain?
One part of the trophic structure, describing a linear sequence of feeding relationships.
What is a population?
Individuals of a single species in a defined area
What is biotic?
A halophytic plant
What is the tropical rain forest?
Located near the equator, this type of forest remains warm and humid throughout the entire year.
What is competition?
When two species try to use the same resource in the same way at the same time.
What is an autotroph?
Type of organism that converts energy from an external source into more useable forms.
What is a community?
All of the fiddler crabs and oysters in the intertidal zone.
What is abiotic?
A wooden table
What is the coniferous forest?
This biome is characterized by the presence of trees that produce cones and pines.
What are symbiotic relationships?
interactions between two different organisms living in close contact
What are trophic levels?
These describe each rank in the feeding hierachy.
What is an ecosystem?
The temperature of a pond and all of the different species within the pond.
What is biotic?
A piece of moss
What is the temperate forest?
This biome is characterized by the presence of Deciduous trees that have broad leaves and shed annually.
What is predation?
The type of interaction between a sea otter and a sea urchin.
What is metabolic heat?
A lot of energy is lost as this throughout the trophic structure.