2.1.1 2.2.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5
What is the byte
This is the smallest unit we use when we talk about file size
What are square inches
These are the units for surface area if the measurement was in inches
What are bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, petabytes, exabytes
The order of the following values from smallest to largest:

exabytes, kilobytes, bytes, gigabytes, megabytes, petabytes, terabytes
What is
What is the surface are of a cube whose side is 2.0 cm.
What is 1000
This is approximately how many times larger a megabyte is than a kilobyte
What is 50
Alice has 100 small images, each of which is 500 KB. They will take up this much space overall in MB?
What is 1.2
Assume MP3 audio takes 1MB per minute. Your ghost hunting group is recording the sound inside a haunted classroom for 20 hours as MP3 audio files. This is the amount of data will that be, expressed in GB

Unit 2 Chapter 1 Test

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