Words | Tegevused, mis toimuvad praegu | Küsilaused | Week | Leia vead. |
What is vahetund?
I ' m playing.
What is Mina mängin?
What day is it?
What is - day is what it ?
What day is _ _ t _ _ _ _ _?
Two brothers are playing.
What is Two brothers is playing?
What is aken?
This dog is sitting.
What is See koer istub?
Where are you from?
What is - from are were you?
What day is _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ _?
This boy is climing a tree.
What is This boy are climing a tree?
What is kehaline kasvatus?
John is reading a book.
What is John loeb raamatut?
Are you in year three?
What is - year you in are three?
What is Saturday and Sunday?
These spiders are swinging.
What is These spiders is swinging?
by the window
What is akna juures?
These girls are singing.
What is Need tüdrukud laulavad?
Have you got blue eyes?
What is - got have eyes you blue?
Friday or Monday or Sunday
What day is _ _ _ _ _ _
Granny and grandad are talking and eating.
What is Granny and grandad are talk and eat?
I am doing my homework.
What is Ma teen kodutööd?
These zebras are running.
What is Need sebrad jooksevad?
Can you touch your left toe?
What is - toe can left touch you your?
What is seven days?
Olivia and Susan are studying English
.What is Olivia and Susan is study English?