Los saludos | La familia | Los amigos | Las despedidas | La cultura |
What does saludos mean?
Abuelo y abuela
Typically a family tree begins with what two relatives? List them in Spanish
senor- Mr.
Who does Sr. refer to?
hasta pronto
How do you say see you soon in Spanish?
What is the name of the tour guide that helps John and Amy?
Buenos dias
How do you say good morning?
Who does tio refer to?
Mrs. and Ms.
What is the difference between Senora and senorita
Adios o sinceramente, hasta luego o hasta pronto
What is one day you could end an email with a farewell?
Amy and John
Who are the two main characters we follow on their trip to Nicaragua?
encantado/a o mucho gusto
How do you say pleased to meet you?
a e i o u
Say the vowels in Spanish a e i o u
A letter
What does a carta refer to?
to be
What does the verb 'ser' mean?
Igneas o sedimentarias
List one type of rock found at el volcan in Spanish
Grandparents or the elderly
Who would you address using Don and Dona?
Papa means potato and papa means dad
What is the difference between papa and papa?
the address
What does direccion refer to in Spanish?
It is an irregular verb
What type of verb is Ser?
What is the name of John and Amy's mother?
Como esta usted?
how would you formally ask someone how they are?
They include extended family and not just who lives in the household
What is the difference between who Latin American cultures refer to as family vs American culture?
along side of
What does al lado de mean?
eres es somos sois son
Conjugate the verb 'Ser'
What is the capital of Nicaragua?