Quotes/Groups People General Knowledge Guomindang Random
Who is president Truman
Who said this quote "American faith in the peacful and democratic aspirations of the Chinese people has not been destroyed by these recent events, but has been shaken"
Who is Mao Zedong?
The visionary Communist leader who announced a shift in strategy from guerrilla warfare to conventional battles in open country in 1948.
What are Communists
Which political group gained ground as a result of the Guomindang's crisis?
What is inflation, rising unemployment, currency issues, and muddled buisness return
What economic challenges did the Guomindang face in the post-WWII period,
What is the establishment of the People's Republic of China
What was the ultimate outcome of the Communist military victories in 1949?
Who are rural power brokers
Villagers often referred to them as "local bullies"
Who is President Truman?
The American President who requested General Wedemeyer to evaluate China's politics and economy in 1947.
What is rise in unemployment
What happened to unemployment rates in late 1946 in Shanghai, Canton, and Nanjing?
What is loss of land
What was the key non economic challenge faced by the Guomindang government post-World War II?
What is Tianjin
What strategic city did Lin Biao invest and capture for the Communists in January 1949
Who is Chiang Kai-shek?
The Generalissimo of the Guomindang who declared Emergency Measures in August 1948 to stabilize the economy.
What are price and wage ceilings
What was the government's strategy in February 1947 to curb inflation?
What is printing money
What was the common response of the Guomindang to money shortages during the crisis?
What is the union busting
How did the government try to strengthen its hold over the labor movement
Who is Chiang Ching-kuo?
This individual, educated in the Soviet Union, was appointed commissioner in charge of economic reforms in Shanghai during the Guomindang's financial crisis.
What are Tianjin, Wuhan, and Canton.
Name two cities, in addition to Shanghai, where the Communists successfully infiltrated unions.
What is a program for controlled distribution of food and fuel at lower prices
In the summer of 1947, what did the Guomindang attempt through the Central Bank of China?
What are industrial workers
Which sector protested with special vigor during the economic crisis?
Who is Chiang Kai-shek?
The key Nationalist general who suffered heavy casualties in a battle near Xuzhou during a complex and protracted campaign.
What is the gold yuan (3 million fabi to 1 gold yuan)
In July 1948, what new currency did Chiang Kai-shek propose to switch to, and what was the conversion rate?
What are internal corruption, lack of support, human rights violations, or shifted us policy
Why did the united states stop supporting the Guomindang.
What is 1716
Despite Guomindang supervision, how many strikes and labor disputes occurred in Shanghai in 1946?

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