turtle | frogs | shells | Are these even fishes | Miscellaneous |
what type of bones do turtles have
which frogs croak
scallop moves by ______ out water
what does jelly fish not have
snake, turtle, dormouse bats polar bear, bear, frogs
name 3 animals that hibernate
hibernate in mud in water
in winter what does a turtle do
to attract females or to indicate rain is coming
why does a frog croak
can a shell grow larger
where do jelly fish come from
land plants need it for water whereas sea plants dont
why do sea plants not have roots
with its tail and legs tucked inside
how does a turtle sleep
tree frog
which frogs body colour changes
Draw a scallop
what does a sea anemone use to catch food
instead of flowers what do sea plants have for new plants to grow
fish shrimp and water plants crayfish
3 things turtles eat
toes pads, suckers. long bendable
how can a tree frog hand on grass and trees
to let water flow in and out
what are the holes in an abalone shell
spine and tube feet
what does a sea urchin use to move
ringed seal, fur seal, manatee, dugong
name 3 animals people felt were mermaids
to avoid getting mold or insect on its shell
why does a turtle soak in the sun
gives out slimy fluid
how does a frogs skin remain wet all tthe time
it crawls along rocks and eats seaweed, the feelers tell abalone what is around it.
how and what does an abalone eat
sea anemone, urchin, platypus, jellyfish, water snake, turtles, frogs, shrimps, seals, crabs
name 5 water animals that are not fishes
starfish, crayfish, crab, lizard, earthworm, stick insect
name 3 animals that can grow back broken parts