Etiology Diagnosis, Classification, Prognosis Treatment options for Aplastic Anemia Pharmacy Pearls Eltrombopag
What are inherited/congenital and acquired?
Name the two main categories of etiologies of aplastic anemia
What are hematopoietic precursors? (hematopoietic stem cells, and progenitor cells)
Aplastic anemia is due to the diminished or absent of these cells.
What is moderate aplastic anemia?
Mr ST has just been diagnosed with aplastic anemia. The hematologist informed him he does not need any treatment, just monitoring of his CBC. Mt ST's aplastic anemia is classified as this.
What are acetaminophen and diphenhydramine?
ATG requires premedication with these two drugs
What is 150mg?
The maximum dose of eltrombopag in aplastic anemia is this dose
What is liver?
Aplastic anemia has been reported in patients who have undergone this organ transplantation
What is platelet?
Petechiae is a sign of low amounts of this blood cell.
What are ATG and cyclosporine?
Ms AB is an only child. Her hematologist would start her on this therapy for her newly diagnosed aplastic anemia.
What is horse ATG?
This drug used in the treatment of aplastic anemia can cause serum sickness
What is 12?
The primary end point were defined according to hematologic responses and toxic effect at this number of weeks
What is chloramphenicol?
This drug can cause reversible or irreversible aplastic anemia
What are moderate, severe and very severe?
Aplastic anemia is classified in these three categories
What is allogeneic stem cell transplant (matched sibling)?
Mr WS has been informed that her brother is a comptible donor. She will be admitted in the hospital next week for this kind of transplant for the treatment of her aplastic anemia,
What is prednisone and methylprednisolone?
Either of these two drugs can be used as prophylaxis for serum sickness
What is 44?
The response rate (%) of eltrombopag in at least one lineage 12 weeks after initiation of eltrombopag is this
What is gold?
The risk of aplastic anemia increases when the dose of this drug is between 200 and 450mg
What is 200?
Any patient who has an ANC of less than this amount would be diagnosed as having very severe aplstic anemia
What is rabbit ATG (Thymoglobulin)?
Ms AB return 2 years later with recurrence of her aplastic anemia. Her hematologist starts her on the combination of cyclosporine and this drug
What are 200 and 400?
Cyclosporine doses are adjusted to maintain blood trough level between these two levels
What is platelet?
9 of the 11 patients with response to eltrombopag no longer required this type of transfusion
What are either Fanconi's anemia, Dyskeratosis congenita, Diamond-Blackfan anemia?
Name any one of the congenital disorders that are associated with higher risk of aplastic anemia
What are age and disease severity?
These are the two main prognostic indicators of aplastic anemia.
What is eltrombopag?
The hematologist wants to prescribe this drug, which is the only oral drug approved as monotherapy for the treatment of severe aplastic anemia with insufficient response to immunosuppressive therapy
What is 6 months?
Cyclosporine is stopped after this amount of time if the patient maintains the hematologic response.
What is reticulocyte?
The mean count of this cell at baseline was found to be predictive of response to eltrombopag

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