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A shield is a FULL action (which is dumb).
Bonus actions are one of the many things a character can do on their turns! For instance, you can dash, disengage, or hide if you have the "Cunning Action" class feature, use effects on spells like Heat Metal, Compulsion, and Mislead, or equip a weapon or shield.
Agreus is controlled by the council of shadows, and is having border disputes with Mystville, a place Savilian controls.
Savilian, the mysterious villain, has control over a large portion of the world, including Whitewood, Agreus, and the Royal Steppe.
The Hightooth mountains were not caused by destruction!
Many worldly features came about in the aftermath of the hour-war, including the two suns, the maelstrom, the Hightooth mountains, the vast, the forest surrounding the elven capital, and the Aegis.
If you have proficiency with it, heavy armor doesn’t affect Dexterity saving throws or ability checks, other than Stealth.
While having high AC is often beneficial, it can come with significant drawbacks. For instance, shields require one hand to hold them, you must be a certain class or use a certain feat to effectively use heavy armor, some types of which can give you disadvantage on dexterity saving throws.
Behir is not a dragon! It is a monstrosity.
There are so many dragons in DnD that they have their own creature category! Some interesting additions to the "Dragon" creature type includes Behir, wyverns, and the dragon turtle.
Some magical items are cursed, and therefor cannot be unattuned from without help.
Attunement is a mechanic for certain magical items, in which a player must use a short rest to become "attuned" to said magical item, and thereby experience its effects. Magical items can be un-attuned if you drop below certain prerequisites described by the item, or after a short rest.
Iris was actually kicked out for working for multiple noble families, and then using colors reserved for nobility.
Iris, a red-haired human in the Storm Brigade, was exiled from her home for continuously speaking first, a social faux-pas for people of lower standing in Sardonis, her homeland.
Whisper is NOT a language.
The Makor setting has plenty of languages, including ones that do not belong to the PHB, including Hob, Racket, Whisper, Junker, Royal, and Wildling.
The Bulette, as well as the Rust Monster and Owl Bear, were designed based on plastic dinosaur toys that Gygax found in a dime store.
Many dungeons and dragons creatures are based off of creatures of real-world mythology. Some exceptions include the Beholder, which is listed as an original creation not from myth or fiction, the Slaad, who was said to have been created while the artist was running a very high fever, the Bulette, which came from a pet dog named Bully, and the Aboleth, which was designed as a boss for the adventure module "Dwellers of the Forbidden City".
Bahamut's scales are, in fact, platinum.
Bahamut and Tiamat are two of the most well known dragon gods, being the gods of the metallic and chromatic dragons, respectively. Tiamat's true form is a five-headed dragon- one for each chromatic dragon color- with massive wings and a stinging tail, like a wyvern. Bahamut's true form, on the other hand, was a massive dragon with glittering gold scales.
While drawing one weapon is a free action, drawing a second is a bonus action. Therefor, a player could only attack with their main weapon.
Two-weapon fighting is the bane of many a DMs existence. Some odd things that dual-wielding allows you to do include throwing two weapons in one turn, triggering sneak attack on either (but not both) attack as a rogue, and drawing both weapons in the first round for a deadly one-two slash. |
Calistra is actually from Whitewood, Sardonis- where she was a shopkeeper's daughter.
While the party had many allies, not all of them were happy about it. Calistra, Rain's teacher and a wizard of noble birth, was "convinced" by violence to answer some of the parties questions.
The part-fey helper, Maysong, was not the headmaster.
After rescuing Grace, a tiefling and cleric of the Aegis, from the vast, she grew very sick. Desperate, the party turned to the College of Sages. The headmaster, part Fey herself, helped the party collect materials sufficient to summon the fey Nonsense, who helped Grace in exchange for twenty-four hours of Marigold's time.
Long rests must ALWAYS be eight hours, even if not all of it is sleeping. An elven long rest takes eight hours, even if only four is in a trance.
According to the Players Handbook, a short rest is at least an hour, and a long rest is at least eight hours. However, certain races do not follow these rules- a Warforged from the Eberron book needs only six hours for a long rest, during which they are inert but fully conscious, while an Elf only needs four hours, due to their 'Trance' feature.
There are no blink dragons. Here's where the rest come from:
Yellow and Mercury- Monstrous Manual, 1993 Amphi Dragon- Monstrous Compendium Dragonlance Appendix 1990 Mist Dragon- Monstrous Compendium Greyhawk Appendix (1990) Crystal (One of the Gemstone Dragons)
Through the several editions of Dungeons and Dragons, many Dragons have been added and subsequently dropped. Within the full collection of official monster manuals, you may find the following- The Yellow Dragon, the Mist Dragon, the Blink Dragon, the Mercury Dragon, the Amphi Dragon, and the Crystal Dragon
Temp HP does, in fact, not stack. You decide which set of temporary HP you want to keep.
Many effects in Dungeons and Dragons stack, including AC from magic items, the loss of Strength from the ability Strength Drain, temporary hit-points, and the bonuses from Guidance and Bardic Inspiration.
There are TWO bronze dragons alive during the campaign, and we visited one.
There are very few metallic dragons left alive by the time this story takes place, and the ones that have survived live in deep seclusion from the outside world. In total, one gold, one silver, and one bronze dragon remain. The party met the bronze dragon, who valued artistic expression.
Gemrock was one of the goblins fighting you.
Gemrock, the party goblin, was found in a cave. After being sprung from her prison and showing no signs of aggression, she was invited to be let free and join the gang if she could stay there until the party returned. Come their return, the party took Gemrock out of the caves, where she saw the sun for the first time.
Both the Brown and Black bear are both in the players handbook, and always have been.
Nobody is perfect! Over time, the Players Handbook has had several corrections. Acid splash originally didn't require you to be able to see the creature you target, you still had to roll to grapple an incapacitated creature, Polymorph would work on creatures with 0 hp, the picture of a Black Bear was instead a Brown Bear, and Water Whip was a bonus action rather than an action.
The dragon actually needed the party to retrieve an orb of Dragonkind.
Memory time! In the exco campaign, the party was hired by a large, red-haired man (who was actually a dragon). Their goal was to retrieve a ring of wishing from the wizard, and free him (the dragon) of his curse.
Hex does not do anything to saving throws, and as such, countering does not help.
Keeping up concentration on spells is important! Some ways to protect yourself from losing concentration includes counterspelling any Hex or Bane spells trying to come near you, taking the warcaster or resilient feat, or make a transmuter's stone as a transmutation wizard.
Krimm was technically killed before the attack.
In one of the most heart-wrenching and stellar parts of the campaign, the Storm Brigade was betrayed, to be wiped off the map by the forces of Avilia. Among those that perished in the following attack was Iris, Krimm, and originally Light's wife, but she was accidentally forgotten and therefor lived.
Baron Lucie was from the first arc! Baroness von Mariana is the one aboard the ship.
The Boat arc was a short, but sweet sojourn from the humdrum of land travel for the party. Amongst others, the party spent time with Dorlovatsitzi the orc, Baron Lucie Dorothye Pohl the vampire, Shen-Far-Lorn the hobgoblin, and Calliope the Tiefling.
While monk was introduced in the first edition, it was dropped in the second edition, only to be added back in for all editions after that.
While classes and races were originally intertwined, over time the system changed to resemble what we use now. Fighter (at the time known as Fighting Man) and Cleric, from the first edition, were the first classes to survive all the way to 5e. Later additions to the first edition include the Monk, Druid, and Thief. All of these, except for the thief, would remain in every following edition, all the way up to our current fifth edition.
It's not Storm King's anger, it's Storm King's Thunder.
There are plenty of named dragons in the official fifth edition campaigns, including Venomfang the green dragon from the Lost Mines of Phandelver, Isendraug the white dragon from Storm King's Anger, and Voaraghamanthar the black dragon from Hoard of the Dragon Queen.