Vocab | Plot | Characters | Quotes | Nothing...don't choose this... |
To lecture aggressively.
Define: Haranguing
She is made a servant of Ulysses and her daughter, Polyxena, is sacrificed to Achilles.
What happens to Hecuba? What is the fate of her daughter?
The Greeks
Who are the Danaans?
That Ulysses is not a great warrior. Ulysses has rarely/never used his armor in war, and Ajax has used his countless times.
What does Ajax implying when he says “And consider this: your shield, so little used to wars, is quite intact; but mine I’ve parried thrust on thrust presents a thousand rips and tears”?
Green or healthy (grass)
Define: Verdant
He kills himself with his sword. This is significant because Ajax had never received a wound before. Only Ajax can hurt Ajax
. What does Ajax do at the end of the story? Why is this particular event even more significant?
What does Ulysses beat all other at?
He means that they should stop using the family line of a man as evidence.
What does Ulysses mean when he says “For I in truth would hesitate to use the lineage of a man as proof or worth?"
A religious official who observed natural signs.
Define: Augur
Examples: Divine ancestry, strength, involvement in the fight.
What is Ajax's reasoning? Give at least 3 of his arguments.
Ulysses can only call to one witness. Who or what is this witness?
Fill in the blank:"By _____ you’d have me plead my cause before the very fleet I saved!"
Showing great warmth or intensity of spirit; enthusiasm.
Define: Fervently
Examples: His ancestry is more illustrious than Ajax's, he knows when to fight while Ajax only knows how to fight, he has battle scars to prove his heroics.
What is Ulysses' reasoning? Give at least 3 of his arguments.
Who inherited the bow of Hercules?
“Achilles shaft of wood, from Pelion’s slopes might be a bit too huge-too ponderous for one who is no __________.”
Cunning intelligence.
Define: Guile
Purple flower with the letters "AI-AI," asking us to think of Ajax's name.
Describe the plant that grows from Ajax's blood. What does this plant ask us to do?
Who did Ajax never want to be compared to?
“And there is Hector. When he strides to war, the gods are at his side. He terrifies not only you, but _______ “