Unit 11: Gangs

Unit 11: Gangs Unit 11: Gangs Unit 11: Gangs Unit 11: Gangs Unit 12: Drugs
What are prison, motorcycle and street gangs?
These are the three broad categories of gangs discussed in lecture
What is the mid-1990s?
This is the period of time in which gang violence was noted to hit its peak in the United States
What is a 'street family'?
A family who has little empathy for others and expresses little concern for the well-being of their neighbors would be described as this by Elijah Anderson
What is between 19-20?
This is the most common age for people to be involved in a gang
What is Colombia?
The majority of all cocaine consumed in the United States largely comes from __________________.
What is in large cities?
This is where gang involvement is noted to be the most prevalent
What is that gang violence has spread into rural and suburban communities?
This is cited as being the reason that gang violence has increased in the 2000s
What is 3?
This is the minimum number of persons required for a group to be considered a gang by definition
What are state prisons?
Prison gangs are more commonly found in _______________ prisons
What is to depict the horrible effects of marijuana use on its users?
The purpose of the film Reefer Madness was to do ____________________.
What is about half?
This is the proportion of murders in Chicago that have been attributed to gang violence
What is for protection?
This is cited as the reason many prisoners join gangs while incarcerated
What are for protection and for fun?
These are the two primary reasons youth tend to join gangs as discussed in lecture
What are antisocial behavior, victimization, alcohol and drug abuse, and mental health problems?
These are four risk factors that would lead youth to be involved in a gang
What is $3?
According to our reading in Freakonomics, this is how much the foot soldier is estimated to earn per hour
What are self-identification separate from the community by clothing, symbols, names, and vocabulary; and that they engage in criminal activity?
These are the two criteria that define a gang
What is respect?
This is the main premise of the 'Code of the Street' as described by Elijah Anderson
What is approximately 10%?
This is the estimated percentage of gang members that are female
What is 180?
This is the estimated number of members in a traditional gang
What are Whites/Caucasians and crack?
Demographically speaking, _____________ are more likely to use powder cocaine as opposed to ______________.
What is 1.4 million?
This is the estimated number of persons involved in gangs in the United States alone
What is enduring a beating by other existing members of the gang?
This was discussed as one of the most common rituals for initiating new gang members.
What are the Vice Lords?
A five-point star would represent this (one of Chicago's most prominent gangs)
What are improving schools and providing youth with activities and opportunities?
These are two methods cited to prevent youth from gang involvement
What are Washington and Colorado?
In 2012, these two states legalized the use of marijuana
What is that his life sentence was upheld after a more recent hearing of his case?
This is the current status of Adolfo Davis

UIC CLJ 101 Spring Units 11 and 12

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