Introduction to Cell Compounds Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids
When your body temperature exceeds the safe, set point of the thermoregulatory center.
Definition of Hypothermia.
Formed in the cell walls of plants, giving them their structure. Made of long glucose chains, with alternating links and no side chains. The links between the glucose are indigestible to humans and pass through as roughage.
Describe Cellulose.
Fats, oils, waxes, phospholipids, soaps, steriods.
Name 4 examples of lipids.
Primary Structure (A straight sequence of amino acids, bonded with peptide bonds.), Secondary Structure (Twists into an Alpha Helix, AKA spiral. Hydrogen bonds form throughout the chain), Tertiary level folds into a globular module with kinks and bends.
Describe each level of a monomer.
RNA Nucleotide with an adenine base and 3 phosphate groups. Can create ADP.
What is ATP?
Thirst, fatigue, delerium, profuse sweating. Complete lack of sweating if heatstroke.
Name 3 symptoms of hyperthermia.
Glycogen. Stored in liver and muscle tissue.
What is the name for the type of sugar also known as animal starch?
Unsaturated Fatty Acids have a double bond between their carbon atoms. Saturated fatty acids lack that double bond.
What is the difference between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids?
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen. Sometimes sulfur, phosphorus, and/or iron.
What elements are proteins made of?
Rich in energy.
What is a unique feature of Phosphate bonds?
Negative Feedback is the pattern that stabilizes the body. Positive Feedback is a pattern that causes instability. Positive feedback continually stimulates the response to an unstable level.
What is the difference between negative and positive feedback?
Maltose, Sucrose, and Lactose.
Name the 3 common Disaccarides.
Cholesterol acts as a protective cover around nerve fivers and is also used in cell membranes. Too much causes fatty deposits inside arteries, narrowing the blood pathways and increasing blood pressure.
What is cholesterol responsible for? What happens when you have too much?
Amino acids bond, releasing water molecules.
Describe dehydration synthesis.
DNA and RNA, used in the creation of chromosomes and protein synthesis.
Name 2 types of nucleic acids and their overall function.
Body Temperature, CO2 levels, Blood Sugar Levels, Blood pH, Osmoregulation.
Name 3 conditions that negative feedback controls.
C6 H12 O6
The organization of these elements as structures varies for each.
What is the chemical formula for monosaccarides?
A phosphate, and a nitrogen containing group.
What are one set of 3 fatty acids replaced with in Phospholipids?
Once a proteins shape is destroyed it no longer works AKA is denatured. No reactions will occur and usually is seen in spoiled food like milk, or when cooking proteins.
What happens when the weak bonds of the tertiary structure are broken?
1 Sugar, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base.
What are the 3 components of a nucleic acid?
Change (stimuli), Receptors (detecting change and alerting), Control Center (commands to the effector), Effectors (Physical correction agents)?
What are four components to homeostasis's pattern.
Short term energy for all carbohydrates, structural support in plants, food storage for plants and animals alike.
Name the 3 functions of carbohydrates.
1 molecule glycerol with up to 3 molecules of fatty acid
What is the molecule configurations of a neutral fat?
Shown on Screen.
Identify the different parts of the amino acid by name.
Energy is released when the 3rd phosphate group is broken off of the ATP molecule, creating energy and ADP.
How is energy gained from ATP?

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