Judges | The United Israelite Kingdom | The Disintegration of the Kingdom | Second Temple | The Destruction of the Second Temple |
Who was the only woman judge?
King Saul
Who was the first king of the united Israelite kingdom?
How many kingdoms did the United Israelite Kingdom split into?
Judah Macabbee
Which Jewish leader lead the revolt against the Syrian Greeks during the Hanukkah story?
The Romans
Who destroyed the Second Temple?
He did not cut his hair
What was unique about Samson's appearance?
King Solomon
Which king built the Beit HaMikdash?
The Babylonians
Who destroyed the first Temple?
(insert a thoughtful answer here!)
How do you think the Jews in Babylon felt when the Persians allowed them to return to Jerusalem?
The Mishna
What is the name of the text that the rabbis wrote to help the Jewish community navigate how to be Jewish after the destruction of the Beit haMikdash?
(insert a thoughtful answer here!)
What do you think was an advantage to having judges (rather than having a king)
Figuring out who the true mother of the contested baby was
What is one example of King Solomon's wisdom?
Tisha B'Av
On which holiday do we remember the destruction of the Temple?
A mixing of Greek and local culture
What does the word Hellenism mean?
He pretended to be dead and had his students carry him out in a coffin
How did Rabbi Yohanan ben Zakkei escape from Jerusalem?
Blow the shofar and flash lanterns
What did Gideon use to scare off the Midianites?
The surrounding nations had kings, and they thought a king could create a stronger military
Why did the Israelites ask for a king?
(insert a thoughtful answer here!)
Why do you think there was fighting between the northern and the southern kingdom?
Ezra and Nehemiah
Who were the two Jews who led the return to Jerusalem and rebuilding of the Temple?
What book do we read that tells the story of the destruction of the Temple?
He was left-handed
What unique physical feature did Ehud have, which allowed him to hide his dagger from the Moabite guards?
(insert a thoughtful answer here!)
God was not pleased when the Israelites asked for a king. Why do you think that was?
The Assyrians. Many were exiled.
Who conquered the Northern Kingdom? What happened to the Jews who lived there?
The Torah
During the time of the Second Temple the public reading of which sacred text became standard?
(insert a thoughtful answer here!)
Some people attribute the destruction of the Beit haMikdash to sinat hinam. What is a modern example of sinat hinam?