Ross and dd's | Movies | History | Sports | Misc. |
What is San Bruno, CA?
This is first city to have a Ross
What is New Zealand?
This is the country in which the Lord of the Rings movies were filmed.
What is four?
The number of U.S presidents who have been assassinated.
What is 18?
The number of holes in a typical golf course
What is a stapler?
This is the item Jim put in Jell-o on the TV show "The Office".
What is 21?
This is the number of states that dd's currently operates in.
What is Captain America: The First Avenger
This is the first chronological movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe
What is the Louisiana Purchase?
This event occurred when the U.S acquired territory from France in 1803.
What is 10 feet?
This is the height of the hoop in professional basketball.
What is The Great Dane?
This is the tallest breed of dog in the world.
What is Store Protection Specialist?
This is what the term SPS stands for.
Who is Sidney Poitier?
He was the first African American actor to win the Academy Award for best actor.
What is 1989?
The year in which the Berlin Wall was torn down
Who is Serena Williams?
This person has more Grand Slams than her sister, who is also a famous tennis player.
What is 1984
The year the first Air Jordans were released.
Who is Stuart G Moldaw?
This person founded Ross Stores.
What is a Starbucks cup?
This item is in every scene of the movie Fight Club.
What is 116?
The number of years the Hundred Year War lasted.
What is Condor?
This is what a score 4 under par is called in golf.
What is the Dead Sea?
This is the sea which is in between Jordan and Israel.
What is SafeTy, Respect, U are the Brand, Efficiency?
This is what the acronym TRUE stands for.
Who is Bong Joon Ho?
This director has made some of the most acclaimed international movies such as Snowpiercer, Okja, and Parasite.
What is The Battle of Waterloo?
This is the famous battle that took place Sunday July 18th, 1815.
What is Dallas Cowboys?
This team won 3 Super Bowls in the 1990s.
Who is A.A. Milne?
This author wrote the "Winnie-the-Pooh" books.