Fire | Water | Earth | Air |
Who is Alicia Keys?
The Singer of the hit song "This girl is on fire"
What is 32 degrees
The freezing temperature for water in Farenheit.
What is an earthquake?
An intense shaking of Earth's surface
Who is Superman?
Known as the strongest superhero in the DC universe.
Who is Donald Trump?
Made the phrase "you're fired" even more popular. Repeated it 15 seasons throughout his reality TV show.
Who is Aquaman?
The DC Superhero that is hands down the best swimmer.
What are North America, South America, Antartica, Australia, Europe, and Asia?
The names of the 7 continents
What is North Carolina?
The U.S. state that is known for inventing airplane flight by the Wright Brothers
What is America?
The country James Wheeler, the fire ring holder, comes from in the show Captain Planet.
Who is Robert Pattinson?
Who is Reese Witherspooon?
The female and/or male lead in the movie Like Water for Elephants
What is Africa?
The country that Kwame, the holder of Earth ring represents in Captain Planet
Who is R. Kelly?
The singer of the hit song "I beleive I can fly"
Who is Starfire?
Member of the Teen Titans that has a crush on Robin
What is 4?
The number of Jaws movies that ever made to the box office.
What is tremors?
Movie starring Kevin Bacon about giant killer worms living underneath the Earth
What is a drone?
An unmanned aerial vehicle
What is a first degree burn
A superficial burn that only affects the epidermis, or outer layer of skin
Who is Posiden?
The king of the sea according to Greek Mythology
Who is MC Hammer?
The inventor of the dance move "The typewritter" and "running man"
What is Orlando?
MCO: The airport code for this city.