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Fullmetal Alchemist
This anime brought me my first costume worn to a convention
How many Narnia books are there
Who is the main character in the Legend of Zelda?
How many new Star Wars movies will Disney make that have been confirmed?
Anime Boston
What convention is going to take place on March 3-5
This anime has multiple swords that transform
C.S. Lewis
Who wrote the Narnia books?
Genetic Life-form and Dick Operating System
What does GLaDOS stand for?
Time And Relative Dimensions In Space
What does TARDIS stand for?
August 8- 10, 2014
When is the next Comic Con in Boston?
This anime has a main character that is half- demon
Number 4
What house number do the Dursleys live on?
What is GLaDOS afraid of?
August 23, 2014
When is the new season of Doctor Who coming out?
San Diego
Where does the most popular Comic Con take place?
Black Cat
This anime has a cat obsessed assassin as the main character
Phoenix Tail Feather
What core is in Harry's wand?
You don't
How do you craft a "spawn egg " in Minecraft?
Captain Hikaru Sulu
What role did George Takei play in Star Trek?
Mecha vs. Kaiju
What is the theme for Anime Boston 2015?
This anime has the main character die in the first episode.
Bathilda Bagshot
Who wrote "A History of Magic"?
What is the attack power of a diamond sword?
What language do Wookies speak
When was the first E3?