Geography | Science | Movies | Literature | Bible |
What is San Francisco
The American city is the Golden Gate Bridge located in
What is Mercury
The closest planet to the sun
What is The Sound of Music
1966 musical won the Academy Award for the Best Pictures
Who is C.S. Lewis
The author who wrote the “Chronicles of Narnia”
Who is Saul
The first king of Israel
What is Vatican City
The name of the smallest country in the world
What is an elephant
The largest known land animal
What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
The first feature-length animated movie ever released
Who is H.G. Wells
What author wrote “The War of the Worlds” as well as “Invisible Man” and “Time Machine”
Who is Othniel
The first judge of Israel
What is a unicorn
The national animal of Scotland
What is the liver
The largest internal organ of the human body
What is Gone with the Wind
The highest-grossing movie of all time when taking inflation into account
Who is J.R.R. Tolkien
The author who wrote “The Fellowship of the Ring,” the first book in a popular book trilogy
What are a dove and a raven
The kinds of birds did Noah send out of the ark to see if the water was gone
What is New Jersey
The U.S. State Atlantic City is located in
What is cancer
Oncology focuses on this disease
What is The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The first fantasy movie to win Best Picture at the Oscars
Who is Jules Verne
The author who wrote “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”
What is a hidden passage
David got into Jerusalem to take the city by way of
What is Pierre
The capital of South Dakota
What is oxygen
The element Joseph Priestley discovered in 1774?
What is West Side Story
Musical based on Romeo and Juliet that won an Oscar
What is A Study in Scarlet
The novel that Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes character first appeared
Who is Achan
The man who stole spoils from the city of Ai contrary to God’s will and brought a devastating defeat upon the Israelites for his disobedience