Location/Climate | Resources | Homes | Trees | Tribes |
What is the Plains People?
Extreme climate: Cold Winters and Hot Summers
What is Buffalo?
They could be stalked by foot, herded into a corral, or forced to jump off a cliff to be killed?
What is a Longhouse?
24 families live together
What are Totem poles?
Made from cear and carved animals and birds
What is the Northwest Coast People?
First People group whose nations were divided into tribes, then clans, then families
What is Eastern Woodlands people?
By Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River
What is cedar?
Large ones grew and were used to make canoes, food boxes and totem poles.
What is a Pit house?
Plateau Peoples winter home in the ground
What is Plateau People?
Smaller trees made smaller canoes for these people
What is the Beothuks?
Known as the Red Indians because of the clay they rubbed on their bodies, they were hunted and killed by the Europeans.
What is Plateau People?
Located between Pacific Coastal Mountains and Rocky Mountains
What is the Pacific Ocean?
Food source where whales, seals, and sea otter are found for the Northwest Coast Peoples
What is a tipi?
Plains people lived in these because they were easy to move and also were used as a travois.
What is maple tree?
Collected sap to make maple syrup
What is the Iroquois?
The name of the largest and most powerful tribe in the Eastern Woodlands area.
What is Arctic People?
Tundra (flat and treeless) and Permafrost
What is caribou?
Meat, clothing, snowshoes, knives and arrowhead come from this animal from the Subarctic.
What is Northwest Coast People?
People who lived in permanent Homes on bays and inlets
What is cedar?
Many grew in the rainforest and were used to make dugout canoes, cooking boxes, and art
What is the Inuit?
Wore 2 layers of clothing: fur facing inward and caribou hide as an outer layer
What is Subarctic People?
Land stretches across Canada with long, cold, snowy winters and warm, dry summers
What is Eastern Woodlands?
Canada's first farmers which grew corn, beans and squash
What is an igloo?
The name for "house": winter one for hunting and tent in summer.
What is Birchbark?
Used to make canoes, houses, and containers that were lightweight to make them easier to carry
What is the First Peoples?
Were mistakenly called Indians because the Europeans thought they landed in India, but the preferred name for these people are called.