Policies & Locations Adult Services Youth Services Circulation Services Support Services
Inside the 1st floor entrance, near the interior entrance to Lucy
Where are the library's gun lockers located?
1st day of the month
On which day of the month do new Adult Craft-to-Go kits become available?
Granite Creek Park
Where is the library's StoryWalk located?
10 days
How long will a patron's available hold(s) remain on the Holds shelves?
$2.00 charge per ILL item (to offset postage, collected upon checkout).
How much do patrons pay to check out an ILL?
Fifteen minutes
How long does it take for a dog left alone to be considered "unattended"?
By using the KitKeeper website or contacting the AAL desk
How can patrons request Book Club Kits for checkout?
Teen Advisory Group - a YS Leadership and volunteer club for kids in grades 6-12.
What does the acronym TAG stand for?
Item renewal notices
Which library notices are only delivered by email?
Email Jim and Lyndee, CC all staff.
What is the preferred procedure for reporting a maintenance issue that affects library service?
Nine years old
What is the minimum age requirement for a child to be left unattended in the library?
1. Ask James: Drop-in tech help
2. Book-a-Librarian appointments
3. On the fly, brief requests at the Ask a Librarian Desk
Identify two ways patrons can receive one-to-one personalized technology assistance from an Adult Services librarian.
YES. The library does not restrict - it's up to the family.
Can kids check out R-rated movies?
Send the youth to the Youth Services desk to get their PIN.
What can Circulation and Adult Services staff do if a youth without picture ID asks for their PIN and their parent/guardian is not present?
- birthday cards
- thank you cards (December)
- volunteer luncheon
- casual, in the moment "thank you; you're awesome sauce!" statements

Name at least 2 ways library staff show love to our volunteers.
1. Is the service animal required because of a disability?
2. What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?
What two questions can you ask someone to determine if their animal is a service animal?
-Seeds (Seed Library)
-Hiking Kit
-Culture Pass
-Wi-Fi Hotspot
Name 4 of the 6 items that can be checked out as part of the Library of Things.
Librarians Telling Tales
-Apple Podcast
-Google Podcast
What is the name of the new YS Podcast, & where can you listen to it? (unashamed plug!)
-Rowle P. Simmons Community Center on Rosser St.
-Fry’s Food Store on Willow Creek Rd.
-Fry’s Food Store on Fair St.
-Walmart on Gail Gardner Way
-Lowes on Highway 69
Identify 3 of the 5 off-site book drop locations where patrons can return materials to PPL.
Founders A: 32 chairs/ 6 tables
Founders B: 22 chairs/ 6 tables
How many chairs and tables are stored in each side of the Founders Suite, during current modified services?
1. 1st Floor Entrance - Tables may be placed north of the entrance between the pillar and the fire hose connection.
2. South Entrance - Tables may be placed between the staff entrance and the bench.
What are the two locations where solicitation is allowed on library premises?
1. Event name is shown in Bold typeface
2. Color-coded tab shown beside event name (purple = adult; green = teen; blue = children)
What two things indicate in the online calendar that a program is library-sponsored?
To support early literacy development by providing opportunities for caregivers and children to engage and talk, sing, read, write, and play together.
(Pre-pandemic) What is/was the purpose of the Rock Garden?
-Picking up an ILL: 1st floor checkout desk
-Returning a missing piece: 1st floor checkout desk
-Picking up an online library card: 2nd floor checkout desk
-Paying for a damaged item: 2nd floor checkout desk
Which checkout desk is best for patrons to complete each of the following transactions: picking up an ILL, returning a missing piece, picking up an online library card, paying for a damaged item?
-Check out the item to its appropriate library "service" account (e.g. PPLMENDING, IN PROCESS, AVREPAIR, etc.)
-Add initials to the checkout slip.
If an item needs extra attention from Technical Services, what should you do BEFORE placing it in the Technical Services bin?

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