General | Galaxy | Moon | Planets |
What is a telescope?
A device used to gaze at stars with.
What is a Galaxy?
A huge, rotating collection of gases, dust, and billions of stars, and other celestial objects.
What is a Moon?
A type of satellite that orbits a planet or dwarf planet in a closed path.
What are gas giants?
Jupiter and Saturn are this type of planets.
What is the universe?
A similar term would be the cosmos.
What is a Spiral Galaxy?
These galaxies are disked shapes with dusty, curvy arms.
What is the Moon's gravity?
The influence of this produces ocean tides.
What are terrestrial planets?
The four planets closest to the sun are known to be this type of planets.
What is an Astronomer?
A person that discovers billions of scattered galaxies throughout the universe with a telescope.
What is a black hole?
Many galaxies contain this in their center.
What is an orbit?
A closed path of a celestial object as it travel around another celestial object.
What is a solar system?
All celestial objects travel around it.
What is luminosity (luminous)?
Producing and giving off light; shining.
What is a Starburst Galaxy?
These types of galaxies originates from disruption of gravitational pull from neighboring galaxies.
What is the diameter?
The Moon's _________ is four time smaller than Earth's.
What is a dwarf planet?
A celestial object that orbits the Sun and has a spherical shape but does not dominate its orbit.