Tough Questions | Tough Situations | What If... |
There’s no public transportation? How do I get around town?
While walking a group of students to lunch “Emily”, a new student approaches you. She’s having a great time during ISO and has met a lot of new friends. She then begins flirting with you rather strongly and persistently. What do you do?
Your student’s laptop gets stolen during ISO!
What do I do if I want to change residence halls?
While chatting with a group of students you discover that “Jane” didn't choose UWRF and was placed here by her program sponsor and she isn’t entirely sure that she wants to be here. She’s considering transferring after the first few days of school. How
At the end of the day while students are hanging out before dinner you notice that a few students are sitting around one of the computers in the Involvement Center. They are looking at eSIS and look confused.
What’s the relationship between Americans and international students like?
While chatting with “John” he asks you where the best places to party are and asks if you’ll hang out with him when ISO is over. What do you do?
You notice in the student billing session that one student looks very overwhelmed. She starts crying you try to calm her down but speaking to her in English seems like it is making the whole situation worse..
Why do I have to enroll in health insurance? It’s so expensive.
During lunch you notice “Mary” sitting by herself. You ask if you can sit with her and she agrees. “Mary” is very quite and you can tell that she’s upset. You ask what’s wrong and she tells you that she really misses her family and friends. How do you res
You are at the airport welcoming new international students and find out that his or her luggage did not make it to MSP and he or she is panicking.
I’m an English Language Transition (ELT) student right now, when can I take “regular” classes?
While walking a group of students across campus to their next session, you notice “Jack” pointing and laughing at two women walking down the sidewalk holding hands. “Jack” tells another student, “That’s so weird. I think they are lesbians” and continues t
You’ve just dropped off a group of students at their residence hall after the Target shopping trip. As you drive by campus, you notice someone lying on the sidewalk, not moving. What do you do?