Disc Herniation | dermatomyocytosis | dermatomes | UMN vs. LMN | myotomes |
If you have a C5/6 disc herniation, what peripheral nerve is affected?
C6 --> the affected nerve root is typically the one below the level of disc herniation
is muscle weakness in dermatomyocytosis distal or proximal?
what nerve innervates sensation of the thumb?
where is the lesion in an upper motor neuron lesion?
along the descending motor pathways, typically above the anterior horn of the spinal cord or motor nuclei of the cranial nerves
what nerve innervates movement of the triceps and causes elbow extension?
what is a disc herniation?
complete extrusion of the nucleus puposus (jelly part) through a tear in the annulus fibrosus (tough, flexible outer ring of the disc)
is dermatomyocytosis more prevalent in males or females?
what nerve innervates the middle finger?
where is the lesion in a lower motor neuron lesion?
anywhere along the nerve fibers between the anterior horn of the spinal cord and relevant muscle tissue
what nerve is responsible for grip?
name two risk factors for disc herniation
obesity, advanced age, heavy lifting, degenerative disc disease, trauma
What is the (basic) pathophysiology of dermatomyocytosis?
autoimmune disorder
what nerve innervates sensation of the pinky finger?
T/F - atrophy is present in an upper motor neuron lesion
F - atrophy is present in a lower motor neuron lesion
what nerve innervates the deltoid?
name two antecedent events to disc herniation
trauma, physical exertion
what is the characteristic feature of dermatomyocytosis? (distinguishes it from other idiopathic inflammatory myopathies)
cutaneous features
what nerve innervates the "pockets"?
what are two characteristics of an upper motor neuron lesion?
increased tone, hyperreflexia
what nerve innervates the iliopsoas and causes hip flexion?
name one manifestation of radiculopathy
radicular pain (pain that follows dermatomal distribution), motor weakness, loss of deep tendon reflexes in dermatome/myotome territory of compressed nerve root
What is first line pharmacologic treatment of dermatomyocytosis?
what nerve is responsible for sensation around the nipple line?
what are two characteristics of a lower motor neuron lesion?
atrophy, fasciculations, decreased tone, hyporeflexia
what nerve innervates the hamstrings and causes ankle dorsiflexion?