Trees and forest | evidence and investigation | Air and erodynamics | Sky science | Flight |
Coniferous trees!!!!!!!
what tree does not lose its leaves during winter?
It could be crucial evidence
Why do you measure a shoe size of a suspect?
the shape of the wing
What helps plains gian lift?
What is the closest planet to the sun
Drag, Lift,Thrust,gravity
What are the four forces that affect flight?
The canopy is the top layer of the forest!!!!
what is the top layer of the forest called?
an arch
What is a fingerprint called if it goes up then down the other?
A left to right motion!!!!
what is the movement yaw ?
What is the biggest planet in our solar system?
What motion do to you call it when the nose of the airplane goes up and down?
the forest floor
What is the lowest forest level?
A whorl!!!
what do you call the finger print that looks like a whorl pool?
keeping the plane balanced
what do jets wings help with?
What planet is known as earth's sister?
The wright brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who where the first to fly a plane?
A Tree!!!!
What is a producer?
physical evidence
what kind of evidence is DNA
-Light weight
-hallow bones -airfoil shaped wings!!!!! etc
Name one thing that helps a bird fly?
Stars etc...............
name 2 objects that emit light
butterfly birds:segal halk
name three creatures that may also us flight?
A consumer is an animal that eats a producer
what eat producers
The longer the stride means the person is running
The shorter the stride means that the person is probably walking.
how can you tell is a person is walking or running by looking at their foot prints?
the fuselage
What is a body of the plane called?
what way does our earth rotate?
An Airfoil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What shape is most commonly used to create flight?