Bereshit Shemot Vayikra B'midbar D'varim
What is P'ru Ur'vu – Be fruitful and multiply?
The first mitzvah in the Torah is stated in the very first chapter.
Who is Miryam?
This prophet was Moses' older sister.
Who are the Cohanim?
The Israelites brought offerings and the Levites prepared them. The men known by this Hebrew name burned the sacrifices on the altar.
What is "In the wilderness?"
B'midbar, is called Numbers in English, but it means something else altogether.
Who is Moses?
Almost the entire Book of Deuteronomy is a long speech by this man.
What is a ram?
Isaac was nearly sacrificed on Mt. Moriah, but this animal saved him by taking his place.
What is "Honor your father and your mother?"
Number five on Sinai's top ten list.
What is Tattooing?
This practice, popular in Israel as well as the US, is strictly forbidden by the Torah, but it won't really keep you from being buried in a Jewish cemetery.
What is Tzitzit?
It's a mitzvah to wear this garment to remind you of all the commandments and do them.
What is the Shema?
If you listen carefully, you will hear observant Jews recite the words of this prayer twice a day.
Who is Esau?
This man sold his birthright for a bowl of lentils.
Who is Amalek?
On the way out of Egypt, the Israelites were attacked by this man, whose name we are told to blot out.
What are "chew their cud" and "have a split hoof?"
Kosher mammals have these two distinctive qualities.
Who is Korach?
This man and his followers were swallowed up by the earth for rebelling against Moses.
Who is Joshua?
Because this man was selected to lead the Israelites into the land, he had the next book in the Bible named after him.
What is gopher wood?
Noah's Ark was made out of a special kind of wood, named for this animal.
What is Darkness?
The ninth plague is the one nobody saw coming.
What are Pesach, Shavuot and Sukkot?
Parashat Emor describes these three pilgrimage festivals.
Who were Joshua and Caleb?
Moses sends twelve spies to scout out the land of Canaan. These two had only good things to say about it.
What is Mt. Nebo?
At the end of his life, Moses ascended this mountain, where he got to see the Land of Israel before he died.
Who is Dina?
Jacob had twelve sons and one daughter, whose name means "justice."
What is teivah?
The Hebrew word for the basket baby Moses was placed in is the same word for ark.
What is the holiness code?
Leviticus Chapter 19, with all of its ethical and religious rules is known by this name.
What is almond?
Aaron's staff miraculously bloomed with beautiful white flowers from this nutty tree.
What is Lev?
Take the last letter in the Torah and add the first letter of the Torah and you get this word, reminding you to have a heart.

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