Early Reconstruction Reconstruction Hodge Podge Radical Reconstruction Reconstruction and Southern Society Reconstruction Aftermath
The Confederate currency was worthless after the war, causing banks to close and many people to lose money.
Besides the land being in ruins, name one problem that the south faced that the north did not?
John Wilkes Booth
Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln?
Laws the severely limited the right of freedmen. Forbade freemen from voting, owning guns and serving on juries. African Americans were permitted to only work as servants or farm laborers. Some places required freemen to sign contracts for a year's work or else they could be arrested and forced to work on plantations.
What were the Black Codes?
The Ku Klux Klan was a secret society of white southerners looking to regain power. Klansmen rode at night, shouting threats and burning crosses at the homes of African Americans. They turned violent and murdered hundreds of African Americans.
What is the Ku Klux Klan? Why did it exist and what were its methods?
Republicans controlled these states and Democrats accused the Republicans of throwing out Democratic votes.
Why were the results of the 1876 presidential election disputed in Florida, South Carolina and Louisiana?
What were former slaves who were now free called?
Booth was shot and killed in a barn outside of Washington D.C. Four other co-conspirators were hung, including the first woman executed by the United States.
What happened to the conspirators who plotted the assassination attempt on Lincoln and others?
Republicans who felt that the south was trying to preserve slavery. They wanted to break the power of wealthy planters and ensure that freedmen received the right to vote.
What spurred the birth of Radical Republicans? What was their goal?
Some hoped to profit financially. Others, were former Union soldiers who fell in love with the land. Others, were teachers, ministers and reformers who wanted to help freemen succeed.
Why did large numbers of northerners move to the south during Reconstruction?
Democrats agreed not to challenge Hayes' election as president if Hayes ended Reconstruction and removed all remaining troops from Florida, Louisiana and South Carolina.
What was the Compromise of 1877?
Lincoln called for 10 percent of voters to swear an oath of Loyalty to the United States. The new government had to abolish slavery. Amnesty was given to Confederates who swore loyalty to the union.
What were the main parts of Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction?
Gave food and clothing to former slaves. Set up schools for former slaves. Tried to find jobs for Freemen. Provided medical care to Freemen. Created colleges for African Americans. Also helped poor white people.
What did the Freedmen's Bureau accomplish?
The 14th Amendment defined citizenship, promised equal protection of the laws, promised due process of the law and protected voting rights (by reducing a state's representation if it denied voting rights)
What is the 14th Amendment?
Reconstruction governments established public schools in the south, expanded women's rights, provided debt relief and built things such as railroads, telegraph lines, roads and bridges.
Explain some of the accomplishments made by southern governments during Reconstruction.
They introduced poll taxes and literacy tests for voters, two things that kept African Americans away from the voting booth. They also used a "grandfather clause" to help exclude African Americans.
How did southern states limit political participation of African Americans?
A government pardon.
What is Amnesty?
Called for a majority of voters in each southern state to pledge loyalty to United States. Each state had to ratify 13th amendment.
What was President Johnson's plan for Reconstruction?
Former Confederate states had to write new constitutions, ratify the 14th amendment and allow African Americans to vote.
After Republicans won control of Congress in 1866, what new conditions did it set for Reconstruction?
During the Civil War, the north put a blockade in the Atlantic that prevented the south from shipping goods around the world. Production rose in other parts of the world to meet the demand. After the war, there was a surplus of these goods and prices dropped.
After the war, why did southern farmers earn less from cotton than they had been earning prior to the war?
The Jim Crow Laws segregated facilities whites and blacks. Separate schools, restaurants, theaters, trains, streetcars, hospitals, playgrounds and facilities.
What did the Jim Crow Laws do?
A majority (over 50 percent) of white men had to swear loyalty to the union. Denied the right to vote or hold office to anyone who had volunteered for Confederacy.
What did Wade-Davis Bill propose as an alternative to Reconstruction?
Banned slavery throughout the nation. The Emancipation Proclamation did not free slaves in areas already under Union control.
What is the 13th amendment?
They had not yet ratified the 14th amendment.
Why were three states not allowed to vote in the election of 1868?
Freedmen didn't have enough money to fund the planting of their crops so they borrow on credit. The sharecroppers would work the farm and harvest their goods, but low prices on these goods did not allow sharecroppers to pay off their loans, so they had to borrow more money each year.
Explain the cycle of poverty that prevented freedmen from becoming successful sharecroppers.
Plessy v. Ferguson ruled that segregation was legal as long as facilities for blacks and whites were equal. Facilities were rarely equal, however.
What did the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court case do for the South?

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