Relapse Prevention Skills | Cravings and Triggers | Relapse | Relapse | Benefits and Consequences |
To look back on the past and see what you can learn from it and how you would like to do things differently.
Look into the future and see how your choices (good or bad) will affect your future and decide if your choices are in line with what you want.
What does it mean to "rewind the tape"?
What does it mean to "play the tape forward"? |
The craving gets bigger and stronger.
Every time I experience a craving and use what happens?
1- Precontemplation
2- Contemplation 3- Preparation 4- Action 5- Maintenance
What are the stages of change?
Anger, Grief, Jealousy, Fear, Embarrassment, Hopelessness, Joy, etc.
What are some feelings that can trigger a relapse?
Name 10 ways to cope with cravings.
Change your thinking, situation, perspective, options, subject, or location. If you can't - leave!
What is the "Change it or Leave it" skill?
The craving gets smaller and milder.
Every time I experience a cravings and don't use what happens?
In the Trigger - Thought - Craving - Use cycle, it is important to stop the thought before it leads to craving. Stopping the thought when it first begins prevents it from building into an overpowering craving.
What is "Thought Stopping"?
Thinking about the good times, thinking that you are cured and can handle using a little,
What are some thoughts that may lead to a relapse?
Name 5 consequences of a relapse.
During addiction, triggers, thoughts, cravings, and use seem to run together.
What does "Trigger - Thought - Craving - Use" mean?
Cravings happen naturally because of past high-risk choices. It is not caused by a lack of motivation, poor willpower, a character flaw, or a failure in your treatment. |
Bonus - name 5 external and 5 internal triggers.
T/F There can be external triggers as well as internal triggers.
T - Before the physical act of relapse, there are changes in feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.
T/F Relapse is not an event, it is a process.
List 5 benefits of working a recovery program.
Escape Avoid, accept, or attack Distract Substitute for addictive thinking.
What does DEADS stand for in relapse prevention?
Both. They happen in our minds, brains, and bodies.
What are examples of both?
Are cravings psychological or physical?
Meditation and Relaxation, talking to others, challenging self-talk,
What are some healthy ways to deal with stress so it doesn't lead to a relapse?
Not attending meetings, not calling your sponsor, being in an unhealthy relationship, isolating, lying, etc.
What are some behaviors that may lead to relapse?
Scheduling your time and sticking to it.
How can you build a structure and routine in your life that will benefit you in your recovery?
Distract Decide
What are the 4 D's?
Seeing things can create temptation or cravings.
Feelings can trigger cravings. Thoughts can lead to cravings. Doing is your opportunity to make new choices. Changing your feelings, thoughts, people and places you see.
What does "See, Feel, Think, Do" have to do with cravings and triggers?
Saying "It's ok to hang out in the bar", "It's ok to hang out with my old using buddies", etc.
What is "relapse justification"?
Irritability Blaming others Bottling emotions Guilt Lying Changes in sleeping or eating Increased pain Fatigue REstlessness
What are some relapse warning signs?
What are the benefits of creating a support network? What are the possible consequences of not creating a support network?