Tony2 | Fill in the quote |
The champion that Tony2 got to play with
Tony2 : "Who won the final battle, ____ or _____"
Goku, Sasuke
The three people who Tony2 first met from this discord
Morven, Cody, Anthony Early
Tyler : "Its not my fault shes ____ and has ____"
12, double d's
The date that Tony 2 was born without looking it up. Day of the week must be included
Thursday, October 17th 2002
Morven: "Uhhh...Idk, sounds gay...______"
Yuri on Ice
The first person to with me a happy birthday when i turned 19
David Chan
"Just know Tony, im ____ and I've gotten more ____ than you"
gay, pussy
The person who did not with me a happy birthday when i turned 19 out of the main people in the discord. I felt quite betrayed and was actually sad because of this,