Piaget and Erikson | ABNORMAL/NORMAL | Fun Facts | TODDLER/PRESCHOOLER | Sibling Rivalry |
Name the concept:
Child is adamant that he has to set his own place at the table every day, using his special cup and plate. |
Parents are worried because Megan (2 yrs) doesn't seem hungry today.
18-24 Months
When does voluntary bladder/bowel control start?
Require 12-14hrs of sleep/day.
Hugging/kissing with determination.
What loving supposedly loving behaviours can indicate jealousy?
Name the concept.
Child says that the rock is sad because he kicked it. |
Angie is 4 years old. She is very possessive of her toys and yells "mine" every time someone tries to touch them.
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Normal BP for a preschooler.
Wooden spoons and fabrics make the best toys.
A doll to imitate parenting.
What can you give the child to help prepare them for the arrival of a sibling?
Name the concept.
The little boy is pretending that the chair is a monster. |
Alex is 3 years old and is using words like "mama," "dada"
Amblyopia (lazy-eye), Strabismus (cross-eye)
Two common vision problems in toddlers.
Should have physical exam every 1-2years
Set aside time to spend with child daily.
What should the parent do to ensure first child continues to feel loved after sibling is born?
Name the concept.
The taller glass of water must have more water in it because it is taller. |
Jenny has been waking up screaming the past 2 nights and does not remember her nightmares.
Head Lice
Common hair problem in preschoolers.
Has an imaginary friend.
Giving Timmy the new bed at least 2 months before his sister's birth to give him time to adjust.
Currently Timmy sleeps in the crib, but when his sister is born he will get his own bed.
What is the best plan of action? |