Epithelial Tissue Types | Connective Tissues | Muscle & Nerves | Membranes | Random |
What is simple squamous?
Single layer of flat cells.
What is Loose, Dense, Cartilage, Bone, Adipose Blood?
Name 4 types of connective tissues
What is smooth, skeletal and cardiac?
Name the types of muscle tissue
What is cutaneous membrane?
The skin
What are Wandering cells?
These cells show up at injury sites to begin repair.
What is stratified columnar?
More than one layer of rectangle shaped cells.
What is blood?
This connective tissue carries substances around the body including oxygen.
What is nervous tissue?
This tissue is responsible for our senses.
What are mucous membranes?
Membranes which open to the outside. Your mouth and nose for example.
What is the stuff in between cells?
Define extracellular matrix
What is stratified cuboidal tissue?
This multi-layered epithelial tissue has square shaped cells.
What is adipose?
This tissue stores fat and insulates.
What is skeletal?
Your biceps is composed of this type of tissue.
What are serous membranes?
These membranes line cavities that don't open to the outside.
What is there is little blood supply to these tissues?
Injuries to ligaments and tendons are slow to heal for this reason.
What is glandular epithelial tissue?
Sweat glands are composed of this type
What is Fibrocartilage?
This tissue can be found in the spinal column and it absorbs shock. Bonus if you name specific type.
What is smooth muscle?
Involuntary muscle movement
What are synovial membranes?
Line joints such as the knee.
What are rbc's, wbc's, platelets, plasma?
The 4 parts of blood.
Bonus= Name the ECM |
What is transitional epithelial?
This type can stretch and is found in the ladder.
What is Dense connective tissue?
Tendons and ligaments are made of this.
What is cardiac muscle?
Intercolated discs which help spread impulses faster can be found in this tissue
What is a serous membrane
Parietal pleura for example
What is histamine?
This substance is released by Mast cells which causes inflammation.