Childhood | College Life | Fun Facts | Interests | Hannah |
What is Sacramento, California
What is his birth city and state?
What is 5 year program?
The amount of years the program Tim was in at KU
What is Free State
What is Tims favorite restaurant in Lawrence?
What is Miller Lite
What is Tim's favorite every day beer?
What is through calling Hannah's roomate
How Tim and Hannah met? |
What is Kirkwood
What is the high school he graduated from?
What is yes
Did Tim like to drink and go out in college?
What is sloth
What is Tims favorite animal?
What is the upstairs bathroom
What is the last room in the house Tim has not renovated?
What is Lawrence, St. Louis, Waco, San Antonio, KC
What cities have Tim and Hannah lived in (5)
What is 5 years old
What age did he move to St. Louis?
What is Industrial Design
What is the major he studied
What is a stationary bike
What is Tims main workout?
What is Chloe
What was Tim's first dog of his own as a grownups name
What is 4
The amount of places Tim and Hannah lived in together in Lawrence?
What is Kelly's Car
What is what big item could Tim not get down in the garage?
What is Park it on a hill and drive it down a hill to clutch start the engine
The action Tim had to do to start his car because he could not afford to fix his engine?
What is safari, wide brimmed hats and cargo shorts
What is dads favorite kind of hat and favorite kind of shorts?
What is aa scout
What is the name of dad's favorite car he owned?
What is sophomore year
What is the academic level (year) Hannah and Tim started dating?
What is none
What sports did Tim play in high school?
What is by calling the cops
By calling the cops
How did Tim end his college parties at his house? |
What is a girl
What did Tim's sisters lock him in a closet and dress him up as to make fun of him when he was younger?
What is Reggae
What is his favorite genre of music
What is Beautiful
smart funny
What is the adjectives one would use to describe their first child?