Strategies for Time Management | Develop Time Management Plan | Outside the Classroom | Procrastination | Famous Bald People |
small portabe planner/ agenda or large calendar
Give one management tool which someone can record/list the tasks/assingments
FALSE For every one unit of time you spend planning you save three units of work time
It takes too much time to plan because it takes the time that you could be spending on getting things started and done |
A) read assignment before a lecture
This will make lectures easier to understand and will prepare you to ask questions in class.
you should...
A) read assignments before a lecture B) read assignments after a lecture C) read assignments during a lecture D) dont read them at all because it stupid when the professor will go over the material anyways |
Britney Spears
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FALSE last minute things (like essays) confuse desperation with motivation
TRUE OR FALSE " I work better under pressure"
What is the library/ a quiet place. somewhere totally isolated from distractions.
The best place to study is...
Saves nine "
Refering to planning ahead can save time and sense of direction
Finish the cliche
" A stitch in time..." |
studying in advance will put the information in your long term memory, making it easier to recall it during the test.
Studying in advance is a waste of time because youll forget it anyways |
Starting it .
The hardest part of anything is starting it.
The hardest part of an assignment is
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D) B and C
Prioritize assignments based on
A) how much they interest you B) urgency C) carrying the most points D) B and C |
C) work and fun
DO NOT stress! plan time to relax, refule, and recharge because relaxing is just as important as working. have a balance
A good time-management plan should include a balance of
A) work and school B) sleep, eating, and school/work C) work and fun |
Work and Play
Finish the sentence
A good time-management plan should include a balance of _______ and ________ |
B) by dividing the large tasks into smaller units
making it easier to maintain momentum and concentration for shorter periods.
You can conquer procrastination for large tasks
A) by leaving it till the day before the assignment it due B) by dividing the large tasks into smaller units C) by doing it all at once to keep the momentum going |
Channing Tatum
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What is high-level thinking skills
...such as critical thinking
First thing someone needs to do is breakdown their time and become more aware about how its spent.
This requires what type of thinking? |
What is "early bird" "night owl"
morning person or night person will receive half points
A good time-management plan should capitalize on biological rhythms.
Some people are "_________" who prefer to go to sleep early and work best in the morning Other People are "________" who prefer the night and work best at night |
TRUE outside work like homework might not be graded but it will help prepare you for up coming exams or assignments
TRUE OR FALSE academic work you do outside the classroom may not even be graded but is done for your own benefit.
TRUE studies show that procrastination is sometimes used as a psychological strategy to protect ones self-esteem. (self-handicapping). so if their work turns out bad they blame it on the lack of time not on how well they can perform.
Some people procrastinate for reasons related not directly to poor time-management habits but more to emotion issues involving self-esteem or self-image |
Bryan Cranston = Walter White
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B) short,mid, and long range tasks
The best way for managing time is developing a plan that connects with
A) studying and partying B) short, mid, and long range tasks C) procrastination |
What is a factor of three
Time-Management experts estimate the amount of time you spend planning your work reduces your total work time by a factor of ...
What is 6-9 hours per class each week
You should be doing outside work, like homework, for how many hours a week per class?
What percentage of students label themselves as procrastinators?
A) 40% B) 99% C) 75% D) 70% |
Natalie Portman
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