Technology | Team Members | Tilled |
What is an X-Ray?
Having one of these done is the quickest way to see the inside of something
Who is Lauren?
Based in Atlanta but moving to Denver soon, this individual is currently doing prep-work for their wedding!
What is payfac-as-a-service?
This term was coined by Tilled's CEO, Caleb Avery, and encompasses what Tilled offers the payments landscape
What is a payment terminal?
This device allows a merchant to physically swipe/tap/insert a credit or debit card and capture payment information
Who is Chelsea?
Whoever said, "good things come in small packages", was talking about this person
What is WorldPay?
We often call out this company for offering such outdated technology/generally sucking
What is a floppy disc?
While it was a very popular commodity in the early 90s, this magnetic storage medium for computer systems is practically obsolete now
Who is DJ?
This marketing team member has been working for Tilled the longest out of any of us!
What are APIs?
This acronym represents a means for connecting two software systems together and are marketed as 'easy-to-implement' with Tilled
What is a Tamagotchi?
Children in the early 2000s often had one or several versions of this handheld digital pet made in Japan.
Who is Nate?
This person has MORE THAN ONE tattoo on their body that they actually tattooed themselves
What are interchange fees?
These are transaction fees that the merchant's bank account must pay whenever a customer uses a credit/debit card
What is artificial intelligence?
Childlike android technology is a key piece of this film, which stars Haley Joel Osment and Jude Law
Who is Tim Meurer?
A mystery
What is 'the lion's share'?
Caleb's favorite idiom to use when discussing the benefits of Tilled's platform for software companies