What is 10 days.
This is the standard mailing timeframe for a CRA security code.
What is the interest calculator.
This tool is available under the quick links in TSAD and also under the balance outstanding tab.
What is T1CASE.
This system is used when moving a misallocated payment.
What is Seeker.
This is the name of Hope's 4 legged companion.
What is a T1 refund.
This type of payment within the scope of Tier 1 is considered a non-recurring payment.
What is represent a client/RAC.
This online service is used when a representative wants to access their client through online services.
What is Collections.
This CRA department deals with enquires pertaining to payment arrangements.
What is officer viewer.
You use this role selection to only view information on an open T1 case.
What is Onsang's daughter, Maria.
This little critter likes to play with makeup during training.
What is F6.
This Heron Road keyboard function is used to find the actions you can take to follow up on a payment.
What is the limited service demo.
This demo is used when a TP just recently registered for My Account and has NOT entered their CRA security code.
What is Tier 2.
This tier can answer questions about interest relief.
What is the Receiver General of Canada.
When writing a cheque, TP's should make the cheque payable to this:
What is Heron Rd.
This system can be used to access certain local procedure email templates.
What is Client Service, Officer Limited.
This is the PROGRAM AREA and ROLE selected in T1CASE to initiate and transfer a case to the Tax Centre.
What is PADY.crt1
This screen ID is where you can guide a TP on how to set up a payment arrangement through My Account.
What is 1-866-406-3106 (VOCALLS).
This is the action to take when there is a keep code 6, the account is unassigned and there is a DAC 1 on file.
This local procedure can be used for Statement of Accounts except for these types of SOA's.
What is enhanced confidentiality.
This level of confidentiality is needed if a representative requests a TP's SOA to be mailed to their business address.
What are level 2 and legal representatives.
This level of representative can request accounting transfers - Not related to CEB.
What is ACC.a2a
This screen ID is where you can view information about Income tax account transactions on my account.
What is 5%.
This was the interest rate charged on overdue taxes, Canada Pension Plan contributions, and employment insurance premiums during Q1 2018.
What is Manage Statement of Account.
When requesting a T7D Statement of Account in T1CASE, this sub-menu is selected in order to print the T7D.
What is Hope and Onsang.
These people are the most knowledgeable and fun people you know at the CRA so far.
What is UISP-UNCHQ-001
This screen ID can be found when assisting a taxpayer to find their PWGSC-535.