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What are dynasty’s
What where the name of time periods in china
What is photosynthesis
What is the pross3s of plant mak8ng food
What is Pharos
What where kings called
What is coraline
What is my favorite cartoon movie
What is I’m loving it
Who is Yu
Who was the first emporer
What is 5 months
How long does it take to grow a plant
What is mummification
What was the proses of being wrapped
What is green eggs and ham
What is my favourite cartoon series
What is happy tastes good
What is true
True or false there are carnivores plants
What is sphinx’s
What are the statues called
What is Harry potter
What movies series are my favorite
What is eat fresh
What is bugs
What do carnivore plants eat
What is tombs for kings
What are the pyramids used for
What is snoop dog
In story bots which singer appeared in episode 6
What is because your worth it
M and m
What is the Queo dynesty
During which dynasty was the Great Wall of china built
What is the Venus fly trap
What’s the deadliest plant
What is tutting ham
What was the youngest Pharos ever his name
What is boop
What’s the red story bots name
What is keep that good food coming
Good food