Vocabulary | The Legislative Branch | The Executive Branch | The Judicial Branch | Stump's Stumpers |
What is Veto
Chief executive’s power to reject a bill passed by a legislature.
What is Senate
This chamber of Congress has 100 members.
What is Executive Order
A rule that is issued by the President and has the power of law.
What is Judicial Review
The power of the courts to determine whether the government performs actions that are unconstitutional.
What is U.S. President
The government official who appoints judges to the Supreme Court.
What is Pardon
Release from the punishment or legal consequences of a crime.
What is House of Representatives
Delegates in this chamber of Congress serve 2-year terms.
What is Commander-in-Chief
The President’s role of being the leader of armed forces is known as this.
What is Nine
The number of justices on the Supreme Court.
What is Life
Supreme Court justices serve a term of this length.
What is Bureaucracy
A large, complex administrative structure that handles the everyday business of an organization.
What is Speaker of the House
This position is the presiding officer of the House of Representatives.
What is Speaker of the House
The next person in the line of presidential succession if both the President and the Vice President die in office.
What is Court of Appeals
The court that has appellate jurisdiction over cases being reexamined from lower courts.
What is 35
The minimum age requirement to qualify as U.S. President.
What is Jurisdiction
The authority of a court to hear a case.
What is Joint Committee
A panel composed of both parties to compromise on political differences in Congress.
What is Independent Agencies
Additional executive organizations like NASA and the FCC located outside the Cabinet departments.
What is Miranda v. Arizona
This landmark Supreme Court decision set the precedent that a suspect must be informed of their rights.
What is 435
The number of delegates in the House of Representatives.
What is Filibuster
Various tactics aimed at defeating a bill by preventing a final vote.
What is Expressed Powers
Delegated powers of Congress that are spelled out in the Constitution.
What is $400,000
The salary of the President.
What is Citizens United v. FEC
This landmark Supreme Court decision set the precedent that corporations retain the freedom of speech and can therefore engage in unregulated campaign spending.
What is House of Representatives, Senate, President
For a bill to become a law, it must be approved by these two legislative bodies and this member of the executive branch.