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What is Dynamic Risk Assessment
Helps you adjust your approach in a situation to reduce the stress and risk in that moment
What is Self-Regulation
Ability to draw on memory and experience to adapt effectively in the present situation
What is Elements of a Potentially Violent Situation
Spark, Target, Weapon, and Level of Stress or Motivation
What is Emotional First Aid
Providing immediate support to reduce emotional intensity so that patient can continue with the activity
What is We are at Our Stupidist
When we are at our angriest
What is Physical Restraint
The use of trained and competent staff members to hold a patient in order to contain acute physical behavior
What is Intentional Use of Self
Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, Self-Care, Relationship Skills and Attunement
What is “I Can’t Breathe”
Often a restrained patient’s last words
What is Empathic Response
“It must be awful to feel like that”
What is Trauma Driven Perception
Emotional Brain - Survival Brain - Panic!
What is to Reduce Risk
Goal of Physical Intervention
What is Knowing ourselves
First step to function effectively in a crisis situation
What is Exposure to Prolonged Toxic Stress
Predisposed and at a higher risk of “sudden death”
What is Active Listening
Helps patients “talk out rather than act out”
What is Amygdala Hijack
Anger or fear triggers a fight, flight, or freeze response
What is Positional Asphyxia
Fatal respiratory arrest in which the ability to breathe is compromised by the positioning of the body in relationship to its immediate surroundings
What is Developmental Relationships
Attachment, Reciprocity, Progressive Complexity, and Balance of Power
What is Pressure on the Neck
May cause jugular vein or carotid artery to collapse
What is Crisis Co-Regulation
What to Think, What to Do, What to Say
What is Emotional Brain or Limbic System
Controls emotions and feelings
What is Setting Conditions
Anything that makes challenging behavior or traumatic stress response more or less likely to occur
What is Self-Care
Uses Reflective Supervision
What is The Target
May shift during an outburst
What is Ending a Power Struggle
Drop the rope
What is Survival Brain or Brain Stem
Part of brain active during outburst phase that receives danger messages