General trivia | Food | Sports | Elements | SUPER HARD |
Where is Houston
Where you live
Where is California
Fortune cookies birthplace
What is merica
Which country calls themselves world champions even though they held the competition among themselves
What is Hydrogen
Yes or no
What is Pokémon
The 2nd highest grossing media franchise in the world
What is a banana
Most eaten fruit
Where is Uruguay
First World Cup winner
What is sodium
What is Jamaica
The country flag that has no red white or blue
What is defenestration
The act of throwing someone out of a window
What are gloves
Has a chemical that can make grape flavoring
What are the Lakers
NBA team that has won the most championships
What is Potassium
What is the Dominican Republic
The 128th biggest country in the world
What is radium
Marie Curie discovered this element
What is rice?
The most eaten food in the world
What is football(soccer)
The sport whose original purpose was to train an army
What is gold
All teams get a stopwatch, closest to 10 seconds EXACTLY gets the points.
What is triskaidekaphobia
The fear of the number 13
Where is Austria
Birthplace of croissants
Who is Shaq
Daily double
The star of Epson eco tank printer commercials |
What is Dysprosium
Daily double
Dy |
What is… coin
Guess the word Closest wins Guess the word |