stuff | stuff 2 | stuff 3 | stuff 3 |
what is CAPRICA
A prequel series to Battlestar Galactica was named for this planet
What is 50 meters
How long is an Olympic swimming pool (in meters)?
What is Mr Potato Head from Toy Story
What was the first toy to be advertised on television?
What is maine
what is the only state to border 1 other state
what is A BALD EAGLE
In 1940 Congress said it's a crime to kill this bird
What is 12
How many languages are written from right to left?
What is star trek
What TV series showed the first interracial kiss on American network television?
Who is the Green Bay Packers
In the 1960s, these Midwesterners Earned five NFL Chamionship trophies
What is Samsung
What is the name of the biggest technology company in South Korea?
What is soccer
What sport is dubbed the "king of sports"?
What is ACES
Bullets in Texas hold 'em are pocket these cards
What is Horse
Which animal can be seen on the Porsche logo?
What is The Miami Dolphins(1972)
Which is the only American Football team to go a whole season undefeated, including the Super Bowl?
What is World Wide Web
What does “www” stand for in a website browser?
What is Marie Curie
Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize (in 1903)?
What is John Lennon
Which member of the Beatles married Yoko Ono?