Automobiles | Farm Life | Government | Nature | This and That |
What are carriages?
The first automobiles were referred to as this. (Hint: "Horseless ________")
What is a shed?
After tobacco is cut up, it is put here to dry.
What is a democracy? (Or Democratic Republic?)
This is the form of government we have in the United States.
What is the sun?
The biggest star in the sky is this.
What is 88?
A baby grand piano has this many keys.
What is Detroit?
Most automobiles built in the US were made in this city.
What is corn?
The Midwest's main crops are soybeans, wheat, and this.
What is judicial?
The three branches of our government are legislative, executive, and this.
What is a telescope?
We use this to better see and study the stars and planets.
What is Yuma, Arizona? (Here, the sun shines about 94% of the time.)
This is the sunniest place in the world.
Who is Henry Ford?
One of the first cars built for the average citizen to own was built by this man. (Hint: Henry _______)
What is a slaughter house?
This is the place where animals raised for meat are finally taken.
What is Senate?
Congress is made up of the House and this.
What is the Solar System?
This is what the sun and all the planets traveling around it is called.
What is a tongue?
This is the body part that all mammals have.
What is a convertible?
This is the name for a car with a top that comes down.
What is irrigation?
In places where there isn't much rain, farmers often use this man-made method of a watering system.
What is governor?
The leader of the state has this title.
What is Spring?
If you plant flower bulbs in the fall, you will have flowers in this season.
What is Amen?
This is the very last word in the Bible.
What is a taxicab?
A passenger car used to transport people for pay is known as this.
What is threshing?
This is the terminology for separating grain from the other part of the plant.
What is freedom of speech?
This is what protects our right to express our opinions and ideas.
What are the rings on the stump?
If you count these on a tree, you can discover how old it was.
What is 5,280?
This is the number of feet in a mile.