Water | Thirst Project | Water Crisis |
What is 8 cups?
The recommended cups of water a person should drink each day.
What is Eswatini/Swaziland?
The country that Thirst Project is specifically trying to help.
What is Cholera?
The most common water-borne disease.
What is 100 degrees?
The boiling point of water (in Celsius).
What is $12,000?
Amount of money is needed to pay for a well (in thousands).
Who are mothers and children?
The family members in Africa who walks to get water.
What is 17 ounces?; 15-17 acceptable
The number of fluid ounces in a standard water bottle.
What is 2008?
The year that Thirst Project was founded.
What is 5 gallons?
The number of gallons of clean water needed per day for a person to survive (For everything, not just drinking, in gallons).
What is 60%?
Percentage of the human body that is made up of water.
What is $10 million?
Amount of money the Thirst Project raised in total (in millions).
What is 663 million?
Number of people in the world who lack access to clean drinking water (in gallons).
What is 3%
Percentage of the total water on Earth that is freshwater (drinkable).
Who is Seth Maxwell?
The founder of Thirst Project.
What is 1 child?
The number of children who die to water-borne diarrheal diseases every 60 seconds.