Conquest | Struggle for North America | The Atlantic Slave Trade | Effects of Global Contact | Potpourri |
What is 1492
What year did Columbus sail from Spain?
What is 13
How many English colonies were there?
What is Africans?
What type of people were used as slaves?
What is james
What is Evan's middle name
What's Evan's middle name?
What is Mexico City
Tenochitilan is what modern day city?
What is Provincetown
Where did the Mayflower first hit ground?
What is disease and suicide?
What were the two leading causes of death among slave ships?
What is Smallpox?
What disease decimated native American population?
Honors World History: Connections to Today
What's the full name of this class?
What is Christianity
What religion did the Conquistadors bring to South America?
What is the English
Who won the French-Indian war?
What is Europe, Africa, and the Americas?
Triangular trade route was made between?
What is Spain and Americas?
The Columbian exchange is between?
Not enough
How many documentaries have we watched this year?
What is Spaniards born in Spain
The term Peninsular refers to?
What is 1754
What year did the French-Indian war begin?
What is Roots?
What movie depicts the slave trade?
What is Capitalism?
What economic system was born in Europe?
Who is the cashier man at lunch?
What is the Taino people
What type of natives did Columbus encounter?
What is 1763
What year did the French Indian war end?
What is Europe?
Where did the triangular trade begin?
What is Export?
Mercantilism had a focus on export or import?
What is Evan not allergic to?