D & P | ThinkFast 2014 | Banana Split Game | Food Inc. | Lent |
Development and Peace
What does D & P stand for?
One Human Family, Food For All
What is the slogan of this year's ThinkFast?
This resource is mostly controlled by Monsanto
How long is the season of Lent?
40 Days and 40 nights
A Canadian catholic organization
-An international Solidarity movement
Who are Development and Peace?
25 hours
How many hours is ThinkFast?
Genetically Modified Organisms
This is the acronym of GMOs
When does Lent start?
Ash Wednesday
To educate and to mobilize Canadians to advocate for and support underdevelopment in countries of the Global South
What are the two main goals of D&P?
Food Sovereignty
What is the theme of this year's ThinkFast?
1 of 3
It is the portion of the population of the US born after 2000 who will contract early onset diabetes
Where did the Agony in the Garden occur?
The Garden of Gethsemane
1967, by Canada's Catholic bishops
When was Development and Peace created and by who?
Kevin's Law
It is the nickname of the law which allows the USDA the power to shut down plants that repeatedly produce contaminated meat
What is the Hebrew name of Jesus' Crucifixion and it's meaning?
Golgotha, the place of the skulls
70 countries
examples: Philippines, Haiti, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Afghanistan
How many countries has D&P helped over the past forty years? Give two examples!
Name the five roles of the game.
Banana worker, Plantation owner, Shipper, importer and ripener, Shop or supermarket
80% Tyson, Swift, Cargill, National Beef
What are the top 4 meat packers and the percentage of the market are they controlling today?
What is the name of the soldier that got his ear cut off?