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What is the total number of registered payment methods a player can have
What is the minimum deposit for a new player
6 months, 12 months or Perm
What are the Self Exclusion options a player has
Cartoon or upload a picture
What 2 types of avatar can a player add within my account
How many times can a player change their username via my account
Either four cards or Three cards and one Paypal
What is the combination of payment methods
100% to max of £10
What do we match up when a player joins the site
5 & 6 weeks
What are the two new periods of Cool off added
24 hours
How long does it take for a new limit to come into place when the player has increased it
Can a player change their real name and address via my account
What is the total number of active payment methods can a player have
individual games
What will a player be able to freeze when arcade goes live
How many RG e-mails do we have a choice to send to a player
Once, on first lock
How many times does a player receive the locked limit bonus
Can Go fish be played on the App
Have less than £2 of real funds in tombola account and they must deposit with new method
To change their payment method What must be in place and what must a player do
No. the sites share the same wallet
Does a player need to deposit in both Arcade and Bingo to play the games
24 hours - 3 months
What is the time range a player can lock their limits into place
call customer services, the player will then need to wait 24 hours for it to re-activate
What must a player do when their SE expires and what will happen
Line underneath the prize amount
When playing on the App, how are the prizes highlighted in bingo 90
What is the minimum deposit for a current player
£2500 - based upon a calendar month
What is the maximum monthly deposit limit a player can set
Yes during cool off but not during Self Exclusion
Does a player still receive PM bonus during Cool Off and SE
How many chat rooms has B90 have
24 hours
What are the opening hours for Customer Services