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What is the music term for loud?
forte (f)
What is the interval that moves up or down by a step?
What is the music alphabet?
A, B, C, D, E, F, G
What is the name of the note that receives 1 count in 4/4 time?
quarter note
What is the name of the major scale that has no sharps or flats?
C Major Scale
What is the name of the note that receives 4 counts in 4/4 time?
whole note
What is the interval that moves up or down by a skip?
What is the distance between 2 notes?
What is G?
2nd line of the treble clef
What is the name of the major scale that has one flat?
F Major Scale
What is the music term for medium or moderate?
What is a 4th?
"Here Comes the Bride" interval
What are the names of the 2 clef signs used in piano music?
Treble and Bass
What is C?
2 lines above the treble staff or 2 lines below the bass staff
What is the name of the 5th note in a major scale?
What is the name of the first note of a scale?
keynote or tonic
What is a major 3rd and a minor 3rd
4 half steps and 3 half steps
What is a 3-note chord built on scale degree 1?
tonic triad
What is A?
the 1st space of the bass clef
What are the names of the relative major and minor scales that have 1 sharp?
G Major and B minor
What is the tempo that is faster than moderato but slower than allegro?
What is the interval that goes up or down by 8 notes (including the 1st and lat notes)? Example: C to C
What are sharps, flats, and naturals?
chromatic signs
What is an 8th note?
there are 8 of these in a measure of 4/4 time
What is the name of the minor scale that is built by raising the 7th note 1/2 step?
harmonic minor scale