Vocab | Morality | What not to do | Marriage | Celibacy and Religious Life |
What is agape?
The Greek term for divine, unconditional love; the manner in which God loves us
What is continence?
Maintaining control of one's desires, appetites, and passions rather than being controlled by them
What is pornography?
Pictures or stories created with the direct intention of arousing lust in the viewers or readers
What is spousal meaning of the body?
This is the call that God has stamped into our bodies as male and female to love as he loves, through a sincere and total gift of self
What is Apostolic Succession?
A line of priestly power and authority originating from Christ and handed down from the apostles to the present through their successors, the bishops
What is Ethos of the Image?
The responsibility that every artist has to represent persons with dignity, especially through the depiction of the human body in artistic form
What is concupiscence?
The "inclination to sin" that is present in all humans
What is sexual repression?
The unhealthy attempt to ignore (or bury) sexual desires, rather than embracing them and allowing God to reorder what is disordered in them for the good of oneself and others
What is one-flesh union?
The loving embrace of a married couple through sexual intercourse, in which they become "one flesh"
What is contemplative?
A person who chooses a life that focuses on an interior life of prayer and intercession for the benefit of the church
What is "Faithful" love?
Love that is committed. That commitment guides all other actions.
What is temperance?
The virtue that enables us to take pleasure in the good gifts of God in the balanced way he intends
What is lust?
Disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure
What is chastity?
The virtue that directs all our sexual desires, emotions, and attractions toward the dignity of the person and the meaning of love
What is vocation?
A call from God to live a life of holiness in a particular manner and state of life
What is Church discipline?
A practice or norm instituted by the Church that should be followed but which could be changed by the Church in the future
What is free will?
The gift given to us by God that allows us to choose between good and evil
What is internal constraints?
Distractions or desires within us that steer us away from choosing good
What is love?
A decision to "will the good of another" person
What is abstinence?
Action of self-control that avoids something
What is sexual repression?
The unhealthy attempt to ignore (or bury) sexual desires, rather than embracing them and allowing God to reorder what is disordered in them for the good of oneself and others
What is objective truth?
Reality as it is, apart from what we think or feel about it
What is contraception?
Every action before, during, and after sexual intercourse that deliberately attempts to impede its procreative potential
What is love as attraction?
Recognizing the good of another person; seeing the inner and outer beauty of another person
What is celibacy (for the kingdom)?
It is a choice to "skip" the marriage of earth to devote oneself entirely to the marriage of heaven