What are the Themes or Lessons in Rudolph | What are the Themes or Lessons in the Grinch | What are the Themes or Lessons in It's a Wonderful Life |
What is Accept others; Don't exclude them just because of physical differences (look different)
All of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names. They never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games
What is we all need our own space sometimes. Sometimes we all need to get away from the hustle and bustle (especially during the holiday season)
The Grinch retreated to his isolated cave as a way to avoid people
What is Don't hire someone just because they are family; be generous with family without compromising what is right for you or your business
"Uncle Billy, the brother of George's father, nearly ruined the business," recalls Julie Rains. "He drank on the job and didn't seem to be a productive employee even in the best of times. George could have hired a better employee or given him lesser respo
What is pressure from others/family to fit in with society
Rudolph's dad wants him to hide his nose
What is Even a “lost cause” can be saved; don't give up on 'Grinchy' people in your life; kill people with kindness
In the story, “Cindy Lou Who who was no more than two” exerts a sweet influence on the Grinch that helped stretch his shriveled heart.
What is it's important to marry the right person; marry someone who will support you and love you even during the difficult times
But once they do get married, Mary sticks with George through thick and thin.
What is family is always there for you; true friends will be there for you
Clarice and Rudolph's parents go looking for him
What is What is Whatever our circumstances, we can still choose to be happy, celebrate; holidays are about being with loved ones not the things you get
The Whos clasped hands and sang in their circle on Christmas morning: “It came without packages, boxes, or bags
What is that sometimes bad people get away with doing bad things.
Mr. Potter takes George's money, therefore, ruining his business and (possibly his) reputation.
What is friends should support you in times of need; sometimes friends are very different from you; sometimes friends need to take risks for you
Rudolph meets Cornelius (guy with ax) and encounter the Bumble!!!!!
What is family and friends are more important than things; We also need to connect with others.
The Whos clasped hands and sang in their circle on Christmas morning: “It came without packages, boxes, or bags
What is you don't have to 'Keep up with the Joneses'; be happy with what you have; don't compare yourself to others; be content with what you have
This message is subtly sprinkled throughout the George's son announces that the neighbors have a new car. "Well, what's the matter with our car?" George snaps. "Isn't it good enough for you?"
What is sometimes we have hidden or unrealized talents; we all have ways to contribute and be helpful; sometimes a negative quality is actually a positive quality or blessing
Rudolph uses his nose to light the way for the sleigh
What is soften your heart towards others; even a heart of stone can be healed; we can all change and be kinder and more loving towards others
The Grinch hears the Whos singing after he has robbed them and his heart grows “three sizes that day"
What is Your life has purpose (One of the obvious points of the film is that, without George around, so many things would have been different); life is a gift
Each man's life touches so many other lives, and when he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?" says the angel Clarence to George Bailey.