Script Analysis | Caveman Drama! | The Wandering/Wondering Greeks | R |
What is Exposition?
Time, Place, Mood and Atmosphere, and Preliminary Situation are all found in this section.
What are Performative Elements?
Examples of Political Campaigns, Holiday Celebrations, Religious Ceremonies,(Lighting of candles and singing,"Happy Birthday.")
What is the City Dionysia?
The festival in honor of the god Dionysis, that tragedies were performed by choruses.
What is the Initial Incident?
The "first" event that happens to move the plot along.
What is Cultural Darwinism?
The racist concept that says that one cultureis better than another.
Who is Thespis?
The Playwright that stepped out of the chorus and is known as the Father of Actors.
Who is Sugar Kane?
The character played by Marilyn Monroe in the 1959 film Some Like it Hot.
What are Unity Candles?
The Performative Element at weddings that was invented by a candle company in the 1970's to up the sale of candles.
What is the year 534 BCE
The year that Athens organized the City Dionysia and gave birth to official theatre,
What is the Preliminary Situation of Peter Pan?
When Mrs Darling sees a boy at the window and traps his shadow.
What is the Ikernofret Stone?
The earliest evidence of Performance in Egyptian Culture was Carved into this stone in heiroglyphics.
Who is Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides
The three major Greek Playwrights whose work is the only existing work to survive.One invented the second actor and one invented the third actor.
What is Mood and Atmosphere?
The personal reaction that is answered only after the plot is concluded, (Located in the Exposition.)
What is the Abydos Passion Play?
The performance that was reinacted showing the death and ressurection of the Egyptian god Osiris inscribed on the Ikernofret Stone.
Who is Aristopanes?
The only playwright to have a comedy survive. His work usually evolved from a "Happy Idea,"